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We are a pioneering team, disciples of Jesus, who seek to increasingly encounter and carry the presence of God, both in gatherings and in our everyday lives. We live by the ongoing revelation of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit who breathes it to life. We preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and offer a dynamic, inspirational, loving, team ministry to Church groups and individuals. It is time for the glorious sons of God to be revealed and to arise and shine! Our task as Restoration Blueprint is to make ready a people prepared for the moving of God in new and supernatural ways in these days of signs and wonders. No more 'ordinary'! but an expectation of the miraculous interventions of God. We are called to awaken God's people to their assignments! To prepare the way of the Lord! He is coming in power and great glory! And the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of His glory!

Together we seek to model a family way of being the Church in daily life as well as meetings. We see in all people the image of God, however marred, and reach out to our neighbours and all creation with God's goodness, love and reconciliation. We welcome everyone to our gatherings, no matter what their belief or background. We receive as God's family all those who proclaim Jesus as LORD and Saviour, whatever their affiliation. We hasten the day when 'all the streams flow as one river to wash away our brokenness' (Delirious? Band


'He Always Was What He Became' - re Aragorn in Lord of the Rings, born to be King but started out in obscurity and discouragement.


We see God raising up an army of eagles who will carry the broken on their wings to God. This imminent, final unending world Revival and Restoration will be broken hearts making history - broken, but now restored as glorious heirs of God, bringing His rule on earth as it is in heaven. This is the Church's finest hour; this is our time to arise and be who we always were in the heart of our Father!

It's all about JESUS! 'Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts' (Isaiah 26:8).

We put into practice 1 Corinthians 14:26 and 1 Peter 4:9-11 in our gatherings, believing that our Father has distributed gifts and graces to all members of Christ's body, for the benefit of all. We believe the five-fold ministries of Ephesians 4 are for the equipping of the saints to do the work of ministry. We encourage and inspire the Church to reach her God-potential. He believes in you! We believe in you; you really can do all He puts in your heart. These are days when He needs us to come alive on the inside and wake up to Christ in us, the expectation of Glory.


We together are the Ekklesia - the 'called out ones'  Jesus said 'I will build my Ekklesia and the gates of death will not prevail against it'  In Jesus's day Ekklesia was an Assembly of citizens who came together to make important decisions. This is still the mandate of the Church, as well as the GO! of the Gospel. We shape History through our prayer and proclamation in accordance with the purpose and desire of our Father. 

Those who haven't yet found God as their Father need us to live as the glorious heirs of God, releasing His Life Love and Goodness wherever we go, so that they will see Jesus in us and be reconciled to Him. They too have a destiny from before the world's foundation and we can help them to re-discover it.

Meet the Team
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